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Women Navigating Public Spaces

Residence Palace Wetstraat 155, Brussels, Belgium

Policy Lab for Belgium Research has shown that in Belgium, 91% of women aged 15-24 have experienced sexual harassment in public space, compared to 28% of young men. This systemic behaviour against women infringes on their right to the city and limits their ability to navigate public space freely, safely and comfortably. The upcoming Policy Lab … Continued


Policy Lab Interbestuurlijke Nederlandse EU-prioriteiten

ZZIIN Den Haag Centraal Station Koningin Julianaplein 10, Den Haag, Netherlands

Policy Lab 'Samen werken aan de groene & digitale transitie: interbestuurlijke Europese prioriteiten voor de periode 2024-2029' Het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK) en het European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) nodigen u uit voor een Policy Lab op 21 juni 2023, 9:30-13:00 uur, in Den Haag (locatie: ZZIIN Den Haag Centraal Station). Na … Continued


Fighting sexual harassment: how to foster accessible and safe public spaces

Auditorium 490 of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Rue du Musée 5, Brussels

Policy Lab for Belgium (Français ci-dessous / Nederlands hieronder) Research has shown that in Belgium, 91% of women aged 15-24 have experienced sexual harassment in public space, compared to 28% of young men. This systemic behaviour against women infringes on their right to the city and limits their ability to navigate public space freely, safely and … Continued


Driving a just Twin Transition

Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy (hybrid event) Wspólna 2/4, 00-926, Warsaw, Poland

Joint Policy Lab for France and Poland (Version française ci-dessous/ Wersja polska poniżej) The green and digital transitions have the power to radically transform societies and economies. They are closely linked, with potential positive and negative impacts on each other and the wider effort to create just and productive cities. Steering them appropriately is therefore … Continued


Urban Planning for Resilience

Policy Lab for Slovenia (Spodaj slovenščina) The Policy Lab ‘Urban Planning for Resilience’, organised by the EUKN and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia, will now take place on 24 October online. The flooding that happened in Slovenia in August 2023, described as the worst natural disaster that … Continued


Towards no net land take – insights from ‘Recycle Space Slovenia’

House of the EU, Dunajska cesta 20, Ljubljana Dunajska cesta 20, Ljubljana, Slovenia

(Spodaj slovenščina) This Policy Lab for Slovenia, organised by the EUKN and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia (MNVP), aims to open this discussion on land take reduction and circular use of land to a broader interested public, including Slovenian and other European experts and stakeholders. This is … Continued


Policy Lab for the Netherlands: Cooperative public governance on EU priorities

Room Mate Bruno Hotel Wilhelminakade 52, Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Policy Lab, organised by the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) and the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (MinBZK), provides a forum to discuss different approaches to cooperative governance for the green, blue and digital transition. In the Netherlands, all government levels (provinces, municipalities, waterboards and ministries) have been working together to … Continued


Urban Future Conference

AHOY Rotterdam Ahoyweg 10, Rotterdam, Netherlands

This year’s Urban Future conference, Europe’s leading event on sustainable city-making, is heading to Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Hosted in a different European city each edition, Urban Future unites city planners, architects, mobility experts, environmentalists, mayors, young professionals and students in the effort to create better cities. Local and European organisations, NGOs and businesses will join … Continued

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) World Council

World Forum The Hague Churchillplein 10, The Hague, Netherlands

The European Urban Knowledge Network is joining the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) World Council in the city of The Hague, on the occasion of celebrating its 125th anniversary as the International City of Peace and Justice.  The 2024 World Council is organised by Mr. Jan van Zanen, Mayor of The Hague and Member … Continued

Cities of Equality Partnership

Maison de la Conversation 12 Rue Maurice Grimaud, Paris, France

The Policy Lab, organised by the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) and Agence Nationale de la Cohéson des Territoires (ANCT), taking place in Paris, will serve to create the Draft Action Plan for the Cities of Equality Partnership. Launched in January 2024, the Cities of Equality Partnership is part of the Urban Agenda for the … Continued

NATURO First Policy Communication Workshop


On 19th December, the EUKN in partnership with Living Cities and Communities (LCC) will facilitate NATURO's 1st policy communication workshop. The goal of the workshop is to bring together local MULL (Micro Urban Living Labs) stakeholders and project representatives to collaboratively create a powerful narrative of the MULLs' identities and activities in the cities of … Continued