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Urban Planning for Resilience

October 24, 2023 @ 10:00 - 13:00 UTC+2


Policy Lab for Slovenia (Spodaj slovenščina)

The Policy Lab ‘Urban Planning for Resilience’, organised by the EUKN and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia, will now take place on 24 October online.

The flooding that happened in Slovenia in August 2023, described as the worst natural disaster that ever hit the country, emphasised the urgency to act. Acknowledging this urgency, recent developments and gaps in the field of ‘planning for urban resilience’, this Policy Lab aims at activating the urban practitioner’s community. The event will provide an overview of existing tools to inspire future interventions, and it will be a platform for urban practitioners to share struggles in the implementation of resilience measures, identifying what is needed to overcome them.

In accordance with the agreement with the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning (ZAPS), members of ZAPS receive 3 credits for their participation – Block B (Theory and Reference Practice).

Input Paper (click to open PDF)

This input paper serves to prepare the ground for the Policy Lab, introducing key discussion questions that will be addressed during the event and the context in which they are situated.

Technical information

– The programme will be in English with simultaneous interpretation to Slovene.
– The event is open and the registration free of charge.

Register using the pink button below

Laboratorij za politike

‘Načrtovanje odpornosti mest, ki ga organizirata EUKN in Ministrstvo za naravne vire in prostor RS, bo zdaj potekal 24. oktobra na spletu. Ob upoštevanju nedavnega razvoja na področju “načrtovanja odpornosti mest” ter obstoječih vrzeli in splošne nujnosti bo cilj Laboratorija za politike aktivirati skupnost urbanih strokovnjakov. Po eni strani bo zagotovil pregled obstoječih orodij in prikazal najboljše prakse, ki bodo navdih za prihodnje posege. Po drugi strani pa bo služil kot platforma, na kateri bodo strokovnjaki delili težave pri izvajanju ukrepov odpornosti in ugotavljali, kaj je potrebno za njihovo premagovanje.Pred dogodkom bo pripravljen in udeležencem posredovan vhodni dokument s poglobljeno opredelitvijo tematike dogodka.  Vključeval bo  ključna vprašanja za razpravo na »Policy Labu« .V skladu z dogovorom z Zbornico za arhitekturo in prostor (ZAPS) člani ZAPS za udeležbo pridobijo 3 kreditne točke – sklop B (Teorija in referenčna praksa).

Tehnične informacije

Program bo potekal v angleškem jeziku s simultanim tolmačenjem v slovenščino. Dogodek je odprtega tipa, udeležba na dogodkuje brezplačna. Registrirajte se s spodnjim roza gumbom.

Programme / Program

10:00 - 10:15  :  Welcome & opening / Dobrodošlica in otvoritev
10:15 - 11:00  :  Keynote on Urban planning for resilience, followed by Q&A - Dr. Lorenzo Chelleri / Uvodno predavanje o urbanističnem načrtovanju za odpornost, ki ji sledijo vprašanja in odgovori
11:00 - 11:15  :  Break / Odmor
11:15 - 12:45  :  Available tools for urban practitioners - Panel discussion with expert presentations / Razpol/ ožljiva orodja za urbane praktike - Panelna razprava s predstavitvami strokovnjakov
12:45 - 13:00  :  Wrap-up & Closure / Zaključek


Maarten De Backer

Urban Policy Officer European and International Affairs, Perspective Brussels


Nikša Božić

Director, Institute for Spatial Planning of the City of Zagreb


Lorenzo Chelleri

Director, Master of City Resilience Design and Management, International University of Catalonia (UIC)

Keynote Speaker

Jane da Mosto

Director, We are here Venice


Nikolas Neubert

Urban planner, architect and advisor, Neubert GbR


Lea Scheurer

Senior Policy and Project Officer, EUKN

Moderator panel discussion