Joint organisers: Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and Dutch knowledge and network organisation Platform31

Dedicated to the first anniversary of the Pact of Amsterdam, this Policy Lab was built on input from Dutch stakeholders shaping the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU). Reaffirming the Netherlands’ commitment to successfully implementing the Pact of Amsterdam and the UAEU, it had a clear future-facing outlook.

Speakers and audiences discussed the UAEU’s overall implementation status one year after the presentation of its founding document, the Pact of Amsterdam. Key recommendations from this initial stock-taking centred on the political and institutional embeddedness of the UAEU, linkages between Partnerships, and the connection between the UAEU and the United Nations’ New Urban Agenda.

Several Dutch Partnership Coordinators and members then shared their personal experiences of hands-on Partnership work, and a political panel discussed further implications of the UAEU process and conditions for its success.

Urban Futures Essays