The ‘Dutch Approach’ to urban development is a combination of fostering self-reliance and caring for the vulnerable, alongside striving for economic growth. While urban development is part of a broader policy, the National Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment (‘NOVI’) is the long-term vision on the future development of the country’s living environment. Its place-based approach strives to integrate urban, regional and rural policy.


Key documents

City Deals: Innovation for sustainable urban development

City Deals are theme-centred partnerships between frontrunners in the public and private sector. Ministries, local and regional governments and businesses work together on an equal footing to experiment and develop solutions. The goal of a City Deal is to drive innovation in urban development and social issues.

Visit the Agenda Stad website

Learning to Institutionalise

The essay ‘Learning to Institutionalise’ provides insight into learning in networks. The main focus is on the networks in which the national government participates as a partner with local parties. Working in these networks has become an accepted way of working, although this is still a considerable learning task for the government.

Read the document

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