Endorsed by Ministers responsible for urban matters during the German EU Council Presidency in 2020, the New Leipzig Charter is a non-binding strategic document fostering integrated urban development for the common good. Setting out a catalogue of “key principles of good urban governance”, it provides a framework for all urban policy actors striving for more resilient and sustainable cities and urban areas. The Charter is complemented by a second document called “Implementing the New Leipzig Charter through Multi-Level Governance: Next steps for the Urban Agenda for the EU”.
A joint initiative of the federal, state and the local level, Germany’s National Urban Policy provides an opportunity for all stakeholders, ranging from governmental level, public authorities, planning professions, NGOs, business to the scientific community, to have their say on cities’ living environments, urban qualities and good governance. It rests on three pillars: good practice, a platform for exchange and knowledge transfer, and experimental (pilot) projects funded by the ministry to support innovative approaches in urban development.
“The EUKN is a valuable and reliable partner and a strong voice of EU Member States at the European level, supporting us tremendously and adapting to new global challenges and EU frameworks. We benefit from their expertise and their strong network across Europe.”
Tilman Buchholz, German Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building, EUKN Assembly Member